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Mover and a Shaker

We've been blindsided here in Oklahoma with 2 nasty snowstorms in a week.  For those of you who don't live here, snow pretty much shuts our state down.  We have no idea how to deal with it or drive on it.  So, it's better to just stay home in warm sweats!  I'm super eager for summer time.  Cold weather is NOT my thing at all, and my flip-flops are dying to come out of the closet.

This week my mom started taking Paisley to a "Little Bug" gym class.  I kinda thought it sounded like a waste of time to be honest, but she REALLY enjoyed it.  And Paisley liked it too.  :)  There were only 2 other babies this week due to our ridiculous weather issues (I'm so over it), but they were all about the same age. 

 One of the things I found amazing is how different they all are in their development.  I never read the books about development and I don't worry about when they should be hitting their milestones.  I'm not too interested in comparing my baby to others, and I refuse to lay awake at night strategizing on how to make my baby smarter.  I did learn some of these things on my pediatric rotation, but I hardly remember since it was 4 years ago!

So, I was quite happy to see that she's actually a little ahead of the other kiddos in most areas.  She's much more alert and interested in her surroundings, and she's doing great with her motor skills.  This week she's scooting all the way across our floor and several times I've caught her pushing her adorable tushy up in the air into crawl mode. 
 Also this week, I realized she can drink out of a straw.  Who knew?  I had a fruit smoothie at the mall and she's always super interested in what I have, so I let her try to take a drink just to entertain her.  What I didn't expect is for her to immediately suck up a bunch of smoothie and drink it.  Probably not on the approved food list for a 5-month old, but she LOVED it!
Speaking of foods, she'll pretty much eat anything which you'd never guess by her tiny slender body.  I guess she isn't going to resemble a sumo wrestler like I did as a baby.  Maybe it had something to do with the fact that my mom fed me mashed potatoes on a regular basis...

Now, I'm a little ashamed of myself because I haven't been trying one food only for 5 days straight or anything to test for allergies.  In fact, I got really excited and started doing combos of fruits/veggies.  Good news is she doesn't appear to be allergic to anything at all, and she loves to eat!   Which I think must be from her mom, because I'm a huge fan of food.  :)

I have no idea why I went on an 8-day hiatus from blogging, but I'll try to be better.  I guess this little girl just keeps me busy!  I've been meaning to blog about having another baby and the internal debate I'm going through, but I'll save it for next time... 


  1. I definitely think Paisely is ahead just based on things you've said in the past. I love that gym! I need to look into that around here. This little baby girl thing sure is fun... Thinking of another already? You go girl!!! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on that.

  2. Stay warm! Nashville is shut down from snow as well. Peoples inability to deal with snow amazes me.

    Little Pasiley is getting so big! Love the gym pics. Looks like she had fun.

  3. I've been taking Wes to a "Mother Goose" play/song group. I go for *ME*, cause I can get out of the house and hang out with other moms, but surprisingly, he loves it too. He loves watching the other babies and I think he's a little in love with the instructor and her good singing voice and animated actions.

    I love, love, love winter and I'm so over it too.

  4. So cute. I also agree that she is right on track developmentally, and def ahead of Jax. The range for normal development is so broad, but Jax is definitely on the "slow" end... I think because of his chubby body and reflux..poor guy! That class looks like fun - I would love to bring Jax to something like that! Can't wait to her about your thoughts on a second only (unsolicited) advice in that area is not to take on too much too soon. As you know, I could not/did not follow that advice, and it is definitely hard:)...

  5. I LOVE the pics from gym class! She's just too adorable in her pink snow suit - I just want to pick her up and squish her in a big hug! :)

  6. Where are you in Oklahoma? We just moved to Fayetteville, Arkansas and boy did we ever get a TON of snow!! Holy crap!!! Love the photos as always!! You're one of my favorite bloggers!! xx


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