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Vegas Baby!!!

Checking out New York-New York from our hotel window.
 We had a great time in Vegas and Paisley was perfect!  I have to admit I was VERY concerned that she might cause a bit of trouble (aka "ruin the trip"), but I am so happy to report that she made it so much more fun!
She peed on my mom's bed twice during this trip while having naked time.  :)
 The flight there went really well.  She nursed and fell asleep before takeoff, and then slept through the entire 2.5 hour flight.  Luckily, it was a direct flight which made it really easy!  On the way home, she nursed again on takeoff but stayed awake the entire flight.  Thank goodness there were three of us to keep her busy, so she did great playing with toys/ tearing up the sky mall magazine/ eating snacks...
Big gambler!  We spent exactly $0 on gambling which means we came out even!  She loved hanging out with her Aunt Emily and shopping!
 We went for Aaron's vet conference so 4 of our vet school friends went too which was super fun.  She enjoyed all of the attention she got being the only kiddo in the group.  I couldn't believe how good she was about being busy ALL day every day we were there.  We would wake up, eat breakfast, go shopping while Aaron was in class, then run around all day until bedtime.  She took a couple of naps in her stroller, but otherwise was awake and loving it!
Having a little mommy time

Reading her free copy of the Sky Mall magazine, wishing she could buy some breast milk.
 She didn't necessarily love her hotel crib so she'd wake me up in the middle of the night and coerce me into letting her sleep with me.  Which let's face it, I love to snuggle with this sweet baby so it doesn't take much to convince me.  Now we're back home and I'm already missing her being next to me.
Checking out the aquariums at Rainforest Cafe with her dad
 We went to Tournament of Kings one night which was great.  We ate a delicious meal with our hands, and watched a fun show with lots of action.  Paisley would watch the horses intently and even like the fireworks at the end which I wouldn't have guessed. 
Posing in her adorable new Vegas showgirl outfit
So, what I learned from this experience is that our traveling days are not over!  We've just got a new travel buddy.  And it's amazing how the little things I failed to take time to appreciate before, she makes me see in a whole new light.  YAY for my little traveler!  Next stop: Mexico in June!!!


  1. So glad the trip went well! It's nice to be pleasantly surprised. It makes me laugh that she peed on your bed. We got E's penicillin on our bed several times and I was feeling really sorry for the cleaning ladies. I guess they've seen worse, right?

  2. So glad it all went well! I love it when our babies surprise us! I'm always amazed at how much better Jax does out in public than he does at home:). Welcome home!

  3. Sounds like a great trip! And look at that show girl outfit. SO CUTE!


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