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Where have I been???

Since becoming a mom, I've learned that time doesn't move the same as it did before.  It seems that it has sped up tremendously to the point that at the end of the day, I can't imagine how it's already time for bed.  And I can't see that I got anything done!  I always wish I just had an extra hour to do the housework, or even better- to sleep.  The dogs don't get as much attention as they deserve.  And no matter how much time I spend with Paisley, I beg for a few minutes more.

So, I'm not going to make excuses as to why I've been a terrible blogger lately.  You've all heard them before.  What I am going to do is catch you up on life around here.

Paisley has entered a very active phase.  She is so close to crawling it's crazy, and never just sits contently anymore.  Suddenly, she doesn't like to play in her jumperoo or exersaucer for more than 10 minutes and is insisting on lots of mommy time.  While I love that, it's exhausting.  By the end of the day, I've been drooled on, chewed on, wrestled, loved, hugged, pinched, hair-pulled, and patted to the point that I'm pooped out.  She requires a lot of attention and constant interaction.

Sleep has also become more challenging.  She no longer just falls asleep when it's time.  Suddenly, she fights me tooth and nail to get her down.  Once she's asleep, she stays asleep 7-8 hours overnight.  But the last few nights, I've had to let her cry it out for about 5 minutes until she'll go to sleep.  I would love to rock her, but she just won't go down like that anymore.  Naps are still totally hit or miss, but she usually falls asleep in the car. 

Loving the straw!
She loves fruits and veggies of pretty much all kinds.  And of course breastmilk.  We've been getting constipated lately, so I've introduced a sippy cup with water to keep things moving and it seems to be helping.  Plus, she thinks it's a lot of fun to use!   

Sleeping at Affair of the Heart while I ate my strawberry crepe (yum!)
And lastly, we leave for Las Vegas on Saturday and it will be her first plane trip!!!  For the first time in my life, I started packing earlier than the night before we leave.  She requires so much stuff.  But she LOVES exploring new places and being busy all day, so I'm pretty sure she's going to love it.  Fingers crossed we survive the almost 3 hour plane ride to get there...


  1. Yup! Ive also noticed that life travels at mock speed now that I have a baby!! There's always bottles to make, bottles to clean, clothes to change, nails to clip, faces to wash, laundry to do..ect. You've been there.. you know the drill! Lol

    Paisley could not possibly get any cuter! And she sounds like she loves interaction as much as my little Cash! They would make a great pair! =D


  2. New changes seem to happening every day. And there is no time for anything!! I can't imagine how much more exhausting it will be when she starts crawling/walking! Yikes.

    I love the picture with the straw!! Her sweet little mouth wrapped around that little straw - so cute!!

  3. I bet she'll totally do great on the plane. I was definitely pleasantly surprised at how E did. Worst part about it was the 3 hour layover. I'm really impressed that you are eating your crepe...and holding a sleeping baby. You're pretty talented!

  4. A plane ride! I bet it's easier than being in the car where you can't cuddle or feed her. I'm sure she'll do great. I know what you mean about the packing - even when we go away for one night I pack more for W than my husband and I combined. Enjoy Vegas!

  5. She's just too adorable! I love the little flouncy pink skirt! How do you ever put her down - I just wanna squeeze her in a big hug! :)

  6. If you are considering a 4D ultrasound 30 weeks is considered to be the optimum time. At between 28 to 30 weeks the baby should have opened his eyes and will have his full facial features including eyebrows and eyelashes.


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