When do you all find time in a day for yourself? I never thought this would be so difficult, but it really is. 24 hours suddenly seems SO short. The minutes fly by and even things that NEED to get done, just don't. And when I do capture that special rare hour when she's asleep or busy with Dad, I can't decide how I most want to spend it. Do I relax and take a nap or bath? Should I be useful and catch up on chores? Maybe exercise? I have found that I can make a lot of things happen in a very short period of time since having Paisley. When I do find a free second, it's amazing what I can accomplish now since I have no time to procrastinate. If it isn't done that minute, it probably won't ever get done. In the 2 hours she was with Aaron the other day, I organized all of her baby clothes in case we have another girl, cleaned out the drawers in our study, fed the pets, hung up my laundry, went through my maternity clothes, and ordere...