Last night we went to sleep at 10:30 with our video monitor on the highest volume (the one that allows me to even hear her farts in clear detail). I ensured this multiple times to avoid the same misshap from the previous night of it ending up muted and me ending up on the DHS Most Wanted List. I woke up for the first time at 5:30 this morning and thought two things: 1.) that the monitor must be off again. 2.) that my breasts were likely about to explode since I decided to skip pumping before bed, but then I realized that they had already leaked on the sheets so we were okay. :) Even though she's clearly doing fine on the monitor and is silent, I have to go check on her for my own peace of mind and maybe a little to try to make up for the night before. She's asleep on her belly again and isn't with her pacifier. I decide to pump and then lay back down. I fed her at 7:15 and she didn't wake up until 9:15 this morning! ...
To say that my life has been a rollercoaster would be the understatement of a lifetime. In the past 2 years, I went through betrayal by my spouse of 15 years, and both of my parents passed away. I'm now on a journey to redefine who I am and what I want in this world.