The weeks really seem to be moving quickly now! I'm savoring every second that I'm pregnant and actually feel like maybe I'll be sad when it's over. We worked so hard to get here and it really is the most amazing feeling in the world! I've started gaining wait now. I'm steadily gaining 1 pound a week, so I'm up to 6 pounds total. I actually expected more at this point, so I'm thrilled with that. Especially since I'll probably accumulate 50 pounds of fluid in my ankles in July and August... The tummy really popped out this week. It's crazy how certain weeks it changes SOOOO much. Aaron even noticed the difference when he took the picture. It's the first week that we were really surprised by the change. Pretty much all of my patients now talk about me being pregnant because it's obvious in EVERYTHING I wear. I was using charts to cover my tummy, just to save the time of answering the same questions over and over, but it doesn't even ...
To say that my life has been a rollercoaster would be the understatement of a lifetime. In the past 2 years, I went through betrayal by my spouse of 15 years, and both of my parents passed away. I'm now on a journey to redefine who I am and what I want in this world.