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I had my weekly check-up again today and things went fine. My bp is staying stable, the holter monitor came back good this time, and baby is growing perfectly. I'm actually feeling better and better the further along I get. I'm sure some of that is due to my part-time schedule (which equals more rest) and some is my attitude that things should be okay now.

Tomorrow is my last day of work before maternity leave which is crazy! I look forward to a week or two to stock up on sleep before Gil arrives.... that is, if the baby doesn't come on out. We will start checking my cervix next week, and I'm anxious to see if it's doing anything productive.

Both the OB and the nurse practitioner (both co-workers of mine) are getting really excited about my upcoming delivery and were giddy today. Which made me even more ecstatic! They both told me to call if I have ANY concerns no matter what time of the day or night. And he asked if I had my bags packed. Which seems like a simple obvious question to most people, but to me it meant that someone else believes that I will actually be going to the hospital soon to have a BABY!!!!!! And he's a doctor, so he should know...

After our appointment, Gil and I decided we should prop up our feet and relax. Aaron was sweet enough to cut up a pineapple for us which I ate all of, except for 2 pieces that Aaron ate. :) I am going to miss this built-in TV tray that Gil provides. Only problem is when the baby starts kicking at whatever I've propped up on it. One more appointment down, how many more to go?


  1. You are so freaking cute!!
    Enjoy these weeks to relax and get things done so you can concentrate on baby Gil once he/she gets here. How are you NOT going to call this child Gil regardless of what it is?? I know I will be =)

  2. Won't be long now! Can't believe today is your last day of work! You must be so excited. Now you have some time to do some serious nesting!

  3. Enjoy your rest!! Gil is gonna be here so soon!! I cant wait to see those pictures!!! XOX

    MMMMMmmmmmmm Pineapple!!!!!!

  4. can't wait to see photos of your sweet baby!! I've enjoyed following your pregnancy! enjoy these last few days.

  5. congrats on reaching full term and also getting to be on maternity leave. I still have two weeks to go and they couldn't come soon enough :)

    Great to hear you're still feeling fantastic, you lucky lady.

  6. Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment on my Looking In blog post, and congratulations to you!!! I am so happy to hear that your baby will be here soon! How wonderful for you!

  7. FULL TERM! I can't believe it! I am so happy for you, Aaron, and Gil! I can't wait to hear about this week's appointment and if you've started dilating!


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