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Graham's Birth Story: the Exciting Conclusion :)

I was shocked and at the same time, prepared, when they sent me to the hospital.  I called Aaron to head that way since he needed our relief vet to cover the last few hours of the work day, I called our friend Todd who was doing my anesthesia.  Much to my relief, he was just finishing an amputation so he was available immediately.  And of course, I called my mom who was watching Paisley.  They had just left her doctor's appointment where they were told she just had a virus.  THE virus that would turn into Graham's viral mengitis.

I drove myself to the hospital and on the way, called one of the girls that works at our clinic so she could come watch Paisley this evening so my mom could come to the hospital.  I texted everyone too so they would know that we were getting a head-start on this baby's arrival. 

Got in to L&D and changed into my flattering hospital gown.  They really need to do something about those because when you're pregnant, it makes you look like a HOUSE.  A new nurse spent about 20 minutes getting my IV going which is a bit ridiculous considering my enormous veins while another asked me a ton of questions. 

By now, my contractions were starting to hurt.  Enough that I was having more trouble talking through them.  And the nurses were surprised at how large they were on the monitor.  So, I guess we made the right decision to go on in.  Looks like I would have ended up there anyways!  Soon, Aaron showed up which was a huge relief.  And then Todd got there to talk about my anesthesia.

In pre-op, preparing for our baby's arrival- look at my sexy "leg squeezers".
Everything was such a blur at this point because it was happening SO fast.  I arrived at the hospital about 3:30 and my surgery was scheduled for 4:30.  And sure enough, 4:30 on the dot I walked back into the surgery suite.

Now this is a weird experience.  Walking into a surgery room feeling pretty good minus some contractions, knowing that you will be cut open soon.  My friend, Todd, did my spinal while my OB and my NP stood in front of me talking.  This was a great distraction, although I would have acted tough regardless since I wouldn't have wanted Todd to think I'm a sissy.  Good news is that the spinal didn't hurt AT ALL.  I didn't think my epidural hurt with Paisley, but I wondered if that was because I was in such terrible pain at that point with her.  But sure enough, I didn't feel a thing.

They laid me down and at this point, I considered asking them to just put me under general anesthesia.  The realization that I would be awake for a major abdominal surgery became terrifying and I just wasn't sure that this was a good idea anymore.  I felt certain that I would feel everything!  Within minutes, I was prepped and ready to go.  Aaron was able to come in the room and instantly I could smell burning flesh which meant they had started!

And I thankfully couldn't feel a thing!  Still amazes me that you can be awake for such a thing.  And after making it through the layers, they lowered the drape so that I could watch our baby being born.  "It's a BOY"!"  The words made my heart so happy even though I'd felt like this was a boy all along.  He immediately screamed which was a relief, even before they'd completely pulled his body out. 

Pulling him out of my uterus- LOVE surgery pics.  Glad my NP was there to get the good shots!
The nurse and Aaron went over and tended to him while they continued with my surgery.  I was able to watch them at the bed because it was close to my head while they did his initial injections and checked him out.  I was able to see them weigh him and clean him up.  He was then handed to daddy and brought over to see me.  It was amazing kissing his sweet face for the first time.

Our first family picture
The moment was just as amazing as being able to hold Paisley immediately.  In fact, it built up a little more eagerness on my part having to wait a minute.  Luckily, our doctor let Aaron and Graham stay in the OR with me until I was completely done.  And as soon as they moved me to my regular bed to wheel me out of the OR, Graham was laid on my chest and I got to actually hold him for the first time. 

The 1st time I got to hold my little man- it isn't a great picture, but it was an incredible moment!
It was breathtaking when they put him on me because I hadn't expected it yet!  It's a moment I can't even explain.  And we were taken to my post-op room to recover for a couple of hours.  I was able to nurse him within an hour of his birth and get good skin-to-skin time before we let the family come in. 

Next post:  why I felt that a c-section was WAY better than a vaginal delivery...  :)


  1. Aww I got goosebumps at the pic of Graham getting pulled out of your ute :) You smelled burning flesh??? haha they use a laser or something??? haha Please explain to me how I was cut open. Totally is weird being awake for all it, I felt that way too!

  2. This was awesome! Made me re-live some of the things I went through with Addy. I was so tired and overwhelmed when I had her that I did not savor it like this, so your words are helping me to remember:). What an amazing experience. Makes me want to have another...kind of;). You have such a beautiful family!

  3. He looks huge in those pictures!! Yay c-section!


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