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Well, hellllooooo, New Years...

Aaron and I have already had quite an interesting 2010 from the start. We went to our friend's house last night that we have known since undergrad. They live in a very nice house in a beautiful neighborhood. With very white carpet. This will be important.

There are 13 people at this party, but with all the personality involved, you would have thought there were 50. It was Mr. and Mrs. Hostess, their 2 best friends, Mr. Host's cousin, us, and then the other guests arrived.

First was "other Amber" and "Old Man". I'm guestimating that she's 27 and he's 45. And she's very tipsy already, wearing a silly New Year's hat and flashing her tramp stamp repeatedly. Aaron will note that he didn't understand how she could always be showing her tattoo but not her buttcrack. Anyways...

Next in was "cousin's" new girlfriend. She's a nice girl who I really enjoyed talking to and I was glad she was there. I'm not sure if she'd agree...

Last of the guests was the "gay trio". It was 3 way overly dressed guys in business like attire. I would have thought they were the mafia except they weren't italian and they were smaller than me. This trio is made up of "the singer", "his #1 fan", and "crybaby". I'll explain the names in a minute.

At about 11:50, "old man" decides that his not-so-concious woman needs to go home. Mr. Host convinces him to stay until midnight. Even though she will not know any better. So midnight arrives and "other Amber" is puking in the kitchen sink where we are all having our champagne toast. After her stomach lets up, she starts frantically drinking straight from the faucet. Like her mouth is on fire and she'll die without it.

Soon after, "Old Man" decides she is partied out for the night and he needs to take her home. But not before getting a mixed drink for the road. Interestingly, he had mentioned about 10 minutes earlier that he doesn't drink. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't for her. So, not sure what to make of that.

"Singer", 1/3 of the gay trio, is encouraged to break out the guitar and play a few songs for everyone. Usually I cringe at this point, because it gets awkward, the person usually isn't good at all, and I feel guilty when I talk or lose attention. But he's actually pretty amazing and has an incredible voice. It doesn't even sound real. So we're all enjoying listening to him.

Except for "Crybaby". Not sure what has triggered his sudden rush of emotions, but he is now in the kitchen sobbing hysterically. And he has his cell phone plugged in to the wall, so it's like he's on a leash. He can't move more than 2 feet in any direction. Which turns out to be to our advantage.

People wandered around him to make drinks, everyone else was talking and having fun, and he never snapped out of it. He would alternate between frantic crying and dozing off while standing up. Sometimes he'd lay his head on the kitchen counter. Mr. Host affectionately dubbed him "Level 4 Creeper". Which I'd say is quite fitting. He's one of those people that you aren't sure what to think. Is he packing heat? Or does he just need a hug?

At one point, Aaron and I are talking to Mr. Host in the kitchen and he's telling us a story. "Crybaby" walks in at the end of the story and starts nodding his head and interjecting comments like he actually heard the story. Except nothing he says makes any sense and does not apply to the story. But it's hilarious.

His friends decide it's time to pack him up and take him on home, so they leave. But on his way out, he's telling everyone that we can be roommates in jail and do crafts together. Sounds fun, I'll definitely keep that in mind... He's also thinking at this point that they are going to head to Bricktown, which is out of the question considering that his emotional status is questionable and the fact that's it already 2 a.m.

There are things I am not at liberty of discussing on here, so this is where the story ends. I just had to tell you about all of our great new friends! Obviously all names were changed to protect the innocent, the guilty, and the strange. Happy New Years!!!


  1. LOL sounds like your New Year was eventful!! Always good to make new "friends." =)

  2. Wait! What about the white carpet? Although the story was entertaining enough....

  3. Yeah, I was waiting for the white carpet too! What a hilarious story - glad you had an entertaining start to the new year!!

  4. Mr. Host has some great carpet cleaner and a great attitude towards the very drunk!!! At least twice (once by crybaby) red trash can punch was knocked over. Out came the rags and the cleaner and then everything was good as new! She failed to mention all the rounds of beer pong that may have caused things to get out of control (and very strong punch)!!!

  5. Wow! Sounds like you had an interesting night!

  6. HAHAHA!!! Much more interesting than my night at home. :)

  7. man I wish I was at this party!!!!

  8. Sounds like you guys had a very memorable New Years Eve! :) Hope your 2010 is wonderful!!

  9. This was halarious!!!! Your night was MUCH more interesting and fun than the snoozefest party that we attended!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope this year is filled with baby bumps for us all!! =D

  10. I feel so lame for falling asleep by 11 while Trent and his friend played guitar hero....but then again, I was never and will never be as cool as you!

  11. Very funny story. Wishing you both the best in this new year! :)


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