We took Paisley to the state fair last night with our friends Mendy and Adam and their twin girls, Renna and Reagan. It was SOOO much fun!!! We had to take some pictures of the girls all getting to know each other since I'm sure they'll all be best friends. At least we hope they are since we enjoy hanging out with their parents... :)
All the girls were so good and I learned that I can walk and nurse at the same time. Of course I used the hooter hider, even though I'm not sure it's really necessary at the fair. :) No one would have noticed!
Pretty sure fair food does not sit well on Paisley's stomach considering she puked 4 times after we left. Someone mentioned gas drops which I'm going to try tonight and I will have to start watching my diet better. :( She doesn't get cranky when she pukes which is crazy, but I sure do need her to sleep at night! Something tells me none of it is going to help and that she just really has her days and nights mixed up. Anyways, she's super duper adorable which makes it all worth it!
Any advice on how to get a breast loving baby to take a bottle? She will suck on it, but then spits the milk back at us like she doesn't like it when it's not "straight from the source". Aaron has been the one trying to feed her and I stay out of the room. We've tried 3 different bottles and multiple nipples. I will have to leave her eventually (that's the sound of my heart breaking) and we need her to take a bottle before kindergarten! Otherwise I'll have to go visit her at lunch so she can eat... (totally kidding, people.)
We use baby Gas-X and gripe water...it seems to help. I hate seeing her struggle with gas pain. You should have taken a picture of you walking and nursing! That's talent girl!!!
ReplyDeleteAll of the girls are too cute!
ReplyDeleteWe use Nuk bottles. That was the only one we tried, Emma would take the bottler from anyone but me. The gas drops work well for mild colic.
ReplyDeleteI Love the pictures!! Our girls are soo soo cute. I am sure this was just the first of many many fun adventures together, and of course they will be best friends. We had such a great time too can't wait to do it again soon. I am so amazed at how well you are adjusting to being a new mommy. Way to go! We will bring you some of the other nipples we have when we see you next and you can try those too.